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빛과 소리

만트라뮤직 [데바 프레말] 물라 만트라

작성일 16-09-29 23:55

페이지 정보

작성자우주나무 조회 3,757회 댓글 0건


Moola Mantra

Om Sat-Chit-Ananda Parabrahma
Purushothama Paramatma
Sri Bhagavathi Sametha
Sri Bhagavathe Namaha

Moola Mantra Meaning:

Om -- We are calling on the highest energy of all

Sat -- The formless, Unmanifest Potential

Chit -- Infinite Consciousness of the Universe

Ananda -- Pure love, bliss and joy

Para brahma -- The Supreme Creator

Purushothama -- Who has incarnated in human form to help guide mankind

Paramatma -- Who comes to me in my heart, and becomes my inner voice whenever I ask

Sri Bhagavati -- The Divine Mother, the power aspect of creation

Same tha -- Together within Non-Duality

Sri Bhagavate -- The Father of Creation which is unchangeable and permanent

Namaha-- I thank you and acknowledge this presance in my life. I ask for your guidance at all times



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