CERN's about to make an announcement on that possible new particle > 우주론

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입자물리학 CERN's about to make an announcement on that possible new particle

작성일 16-08-05 23:22

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CERN's about to make an announcement on that possible new particle

It's not looking good.

5 AUG 2016

If you're a physics fan, you'll be aware that for the better part of 2016, researchers have been flipping out over a mysterious burst of energy detected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at the end of last year.

Journals have been flooded with submissions hoping to explain the excess energy signature, with most speculating that it's evidence of at least one - if not more - fundamental particles that can't be explained by the Standard Model of particle physics. In other words: brand-new, super-exciting physics.



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